
Download free Padbury Clock for macOS

2024年8月14日 — Padbury Clock is a digital clock screensaver that displays the current time in either 12- or 24-hour format.


The Padbury Clock is a minimalist screensaver created by Robert Padbury. It has not been updated in ages and actually broke for me during the Big Sur beta ...

Mac技巧之苹果电脑Mac OS X 系统的极简数字时钟屏保

Padbury Clock 屏保下载地址http://padbury.me/clock/. 这个Padbury Clock 屏保是LED 风格的时钟,如果想要那种翻页效果的,可以下载以前推荐的Mac 时钟屏保Fliqlo. 相关 ...

Padbury Clock (@padburyclock)

390 Followers, 17 Following, 12 Posts - Padbury Clock (@padburyclock) on Instagram: Showcasing amazing photographs of the Padbury Clock Screen Saver.

Padbury Clock Screen Saver

2014年1月13日 — Transform your Mac into an elegant minimalist clock with this Screen Saver. Now available from http://padbury.me/clock.

Padbury Clock Screensaver

The Padbury Clock Screensaver is a minimalist's dream – and should be the default on every computer. You can choose between 12 hour and 24 hour format, ...

Padbury Clock Screensaver for Windows & Mac

A basic digital clock screensaver from Australian American designer Robert Padbury that displays the current time in an elegant and legible font.

Padbury Clock — A beautiful, minimalist Screen Saver for ...

2014年1月14日 — It is handy in some coding instances when you want a button or object on the screen to have the finger click icon appear when you hover ...

Padbury Clock — A Screensaver for Windows

This is the Windows implementation of the Padbury Clock Screensaver. Originally designed by Robert Padbury for the Mac, this screensaver is a minimalist's dream ...


2024年8月14日—PadburyClockisadigitalclockscreensaverthatdisplaysthecurrenttimeineither12-or24-hourformat.,ThePadburyClockisaminimalistscreensavercreatedbyRobertPadbury.IthasnotbeenupdatedinagesandactuallybrokeformeduringtheBigSurbeta ...,PadburyClock屏保下载地址http://padbury.me/clock/.这个PadburyClock屏保是LED风格的时钟,如果想要那种翻页效果的,可以下载以前推荐的Mac时钟屏保Fliqlo.相关 ...,390...